Thursday, December 20, 2012

A very European Christmas

To get us all in the holiday mood, here is Christmas sequel to the successful video 'A Very European Break Up'. She is Germaine, he is Greco and they are going through a very rough time! Your aim is to spot as many references to the current Euro Crisis as you possibly can... (from the icing on the cupcake to everyone catching Greco's cold). Keep on looking because you will discover new ones each time!

Happy Christmas (or should I be more politically correct? Me? No!) to everyone! And a visual 2013, at least!


Anonymous said...

Dear Virginia,

thank you for posting this.


P.S. perhaps you are also interested in the videos for entrepreneurial coomunication awards 2009

Anonymous said...

A Very European Song also worth watching. Same cast.

Tina Gordon said...

Really liked this original idea for video.Got me thinking about italians staying the same behind the curtain, portuguese dumb and lame, british being selfish and not joining in, irish with NAMA, fins wanting greek assets. Wish there were more made on this theme... Please post any you can find.

FriskyBrainiac said...

Howdy! Does the frequency of your posting depend on something or you write blog articles when you have a special mood or you create in case you have time? Can't wait to hear from you.